CTA’s volunteer led tours are a great way to discover new sections of the Catamount Trail, explore our chapter managed zones, and get to know all of the amazing terrain that Vermont has on tap. SDTs are FREE and open to both CTA members and non-members. Before you reach out to a Tour Leader to signup please make yourself familiar as possible with the trail section or zone. Review the appropriate Trail Section Map or Zone Map to help make sure your skill level and experience is adequate for the tour in question.
If you’re looking to ski sections of the Catamount Trail don’t forget to check out our Multi-Day Tours. We’re planning to ski all 31 sections this season and you’re welcome to signup for a single day if that’s all you want/need.
Registering for a Single-Day Tour
Before registering for any CTA tour please read the following information:
Skier Responsibilities
Recommended Equipment List
Skills and Fitness Guidelines
To sign-up for a tour please follow the steps below.
- Fill out CTA Single-Day Tour Online Waiver.
- Please register well in advance of the tour. Do not wait until the night before. The leader will provide information on the meeting location, meeting time, and other necessary details via email. All CTA tour leaders are volunteers.
Here are some additional guidelines to consider when participating on a CTA tour:
- Have the skills and physical conditioning necessary to complete the trip. If you’re unsure… Ask the tour leader.
- Bring sufficient food and water for a full day and extra layers.
- Stay with the group.
- When leaving the trail, tell someone or leave your pack.
- At the end of the tour check out with the leader before leaving, otherwise they may not know you’ve left and might go back out to look for you while you’re on your way home.
- Leave your dog at home unless specifically allowed by the tour leader.
2025 Schedule
January Day Tours:
January 4, 2025Section 2: Harriman Dam to Route 9 – Wilmington/Readsboro, VT
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Tour Type: BC Nordic Only
Description: This tour is about 10 miles of fairly flat and easy skiing. Some is snowmobile trail and some is ungroomed backcountry. We will ski through the newly improved railroad cut. Our pace will accommodate the slowest skier in the group. Note: Tour cancels if insufficient sign-up by prior Thursday.
Contact: Sam Bartlett, sam@bart-tech.com (Put CTA in the subject line) or 413-834-0274
January 11, 2025Grout Pond Tour – Stratton, VT
Skill Level: Beginner
Tour Type: BC Nordic Only
Description: We will ski the trails near scenic Grout Pond, including a portion of Section 4 of the Catamount Trail. The route is mostly level to gently rolling, except for one hill which can be walked. Skiers of all abilities are welcome. Depending on who shows, there may be the option to break into two groups to accommodate those who’d like a shorter vs. longer tour.
Contact: Jeff Nugent, jnugent.vt@gmail.com
January 11, 2025Craftsbury Nordic Backcountry Beginner Tour – Craftsbury, VT
Skill Level: Beginner
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic
Description: Interested in learning about backcountry ski touring? Open to all beginner skiers or those new to exploring the backcountry on cross-country skis, we will take advantage of the outstanding facilities of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center to launch into the wilderness along Section 28 of the Catamount Trail. We will cover the basics of planning a tour, equipment and gear, clothing, nutrition, and map reading, as well as spending the day on skis in the woods. New skiers are welcome too, with ski rentals available at the center for $15. Trail fee ($10) is required of all participants.
Contact: William Skerrett, Bikefor4@myfairpoint.net
January 25, 2025Bolton Ski Tour on Section 21 – Bolton, VT
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic Tour
Description: Come and experience the new re-route of Section 21 post-bridge washout. We will decide the day before which direction we’ll ski. If there is good snow cover we will ski in the downhill direction, but if minimal snow cover, it’s safer to ski or skin up. Recommend XC/BC nordic skis with skins. Bring plenty to drink and weather appropriate clothing for a half day ski that goes from Route 2 up to Timberline Lodge at Bolton Valley.
Contact: Jenn Gordon, jenngordon70@gmail.com
January 26, 2025Sterling Valley Swirly Ski – Stowe, VT
Skill Level: Beginner
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic Tour
Description: Enjoy a nice tour through Sterling Valley. Exact ski will be planned by conditions as well as who is signed up for the tour. Sterling Valley is a VT gem.
Contact: Julie Higgins & Michael O’Connor, jthrunner@amcvolunteers.org
February Day Tours:
February 1, 2025Introduction to Backcountry Nordic Skiing at Blueberry Hill Outdoor Center
Skill Level: Beginner
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic Tour
Description: This introductory tour is designed for skiers new to backcountry skiing. Skiers should be comfortable on classic cross country skis and skiing on rolling terrain. All skiers must have waxless metal-edged backcountry skis with fish scales, appropriate bindings, sturdy boots and poles. Climbing skins are optional but recommended plus suitable clothing and a daypack. Please refer to the CTA website for recommended backcountry equipment.
Skis, boots and bindings are available to rent from Blueberry Hill Outdoor Center for the day for $28 and we recommend contacting them in advance if you want to rent.
The first hour will be spent discussing and demonstrating equipment and techniques. The rest of the day will be spent on the trail skiing on a variety of terrain including steep ascents and descents on ungroomed trails. Snow conditions and weather will determine the routes we take and the level of difficulty. There is a warming hut with toilets. Please bring lunch, water and snacks. The tour will run from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Contacts: Jay Stearns, jaystearns@mac.com and Rita Marcotte, ritamarcotte@gmail.com
February 8, 2025Section 1 Beginner Tour – Readsboro, VT
Skill Level: Beginner
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic Tour
Description: Easy Beginner Tour – A good introduction to the backcountry for novice skiers. It follows an easy 6 miles on a backcountry railroad grade along the Deerfield River. A short, steep section can easily be walked. Our pace will accommodate the slowest skier. The tour leader will cancel if there are insufficient sign-ups by prior Thursday.
Contact: Sam Bartlett, sam@bart-tech.com (Put CTA in the subject line) or 413-834-0274
February 9, 2025Camels Hump S20 Reroute Tour – Huntington, VT
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Tour Type: BC Nordic Only
Description: We will explore the new route of Section 20 which moved higher up on the shoulder of Camels Hump. This is a backcountry ski with 1,000 feet of climbing. BC skis with metal edges (wider skis and skins recommended, but not required). Expect this tour be a short 3 mile round trip with the potential of adding some side excursions depending on skier’s abilities.
Contact: Kevin Batson, kevbvt@gmail.com
February 22, 2025
Annual Beaver Meadow Tour – Just off the CT between Edson Hill (Stowe) & Golf course (Morrisville)
Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic (metal edge/scales best). Skins will be super helpful!
Description: This tour of 7 to 8 miles is a loop that gradually goes up to Beaver Meadow where a rustic Long Trail shelter welcomes us for a nice snack break. We will return via the Burling trail. 820 foot elevation gain. This tour usually takes around 4-5 hours. Bring water/beverages and snacks. Optional potluck at the end.
Meeting location: Beaver Meadow Trailhead parking lot.
Contact: Kim Dunkley and Scott Meyer, tsimkim37@yahoo.com or 802-922-4507
February 22, 2025
Northern Portion of Section 4 – Stratton, VT
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Tour Type: BC Nordic Only
Description: Ski the northern half of section 4. Up and back for a total of 8 miles. Nice views of Grout Pond and Somerset Reservoir. Mostly flat, but some short curvy hills.
Contact: Alan Binnick, anbin@myfairpoint.net
February 23, 2025
Stratton Pond – Stratton, VT
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Tour Type: BC Nordic Only
Description: Ski the southern 4 miles of section 5 to beautiful Stratton Pond. Up and back for a total of 8 miles. Have lunch at Stratton Pond shelter. Mostly gently undulating terrain.
Contact: Alan Binnick, anbin@myfairpoint.net
February 23, 2025
Secret Trails of Ripton Tour – Rikert Outdoor Center & portions of Section 16
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Tour Type: XCD/BC Nordic Tour
Description: Beginning from Rikert Outdoor Center, we’ll follow Rikert’s cross country ski trails north and then explore the secret trails of Ripton ending at the Chipman Inn in the village of Ripton. This 3 to 5 hour tour (depending on the route) under most conditions does not require metal-edged skis and can be done on cross country touring equipment. There are a couple short steeper descents that most intermediate cross country skiers can negotiate without metal edges, but metal edged skis are also fine. Extra wide backcountry skis are NOT recommended because of the extra effort in breaking new trail.
Contact: Andy McIntosh, andymac@together.net